Saturday, October 2

Day Two - Meaning behind my Blog name

In-case you missed the original post here, I'm trying to participate in a 30 day "Challenge". With the main challenge actually taking the time out each day to update my blog (with some fairly set parameters thankfully!).

Yesterday I revealed some (hopefully?) interesting facts about myself and today's challenge is to describe the meaning behind my blog name.


It's actually the nickname/alias that I have been using for quite some time, note I'm well aware I spelled shadow wrong with the extra D there, but it's actually been quite useful as time goes on with others registering shadowofadream prior but hardly anyone seems to go for shaddowofadream.

The idea behind the nickname/alias is fairly deep (poetic?) but the idea originally was that I had very grandiose dreams of greatness but for what ever reason I was destined to be but a shadow of them.

As time has gone on I think there's probably other stuff I could attribute it to (every dream we have leaves behind a shadow of ourselves?) but thats why I originally chose it (some 5-6 years ago now it seems).

Tomorrow's post will be interesting...

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