Tuesday, October 12

Day Twelve - How/why Blog

It seems I am now up to Day 12 of the 30 day challenge, with the first eleven days behind me, the daily habit to write doesn't seem as difficult as I first imagined.

Today's topic seems slightly redundant but I'll run with it:- How you found out about blogging and why you have one?

How I found out about blogs in the first place, I think it was about 2 or 3 years ago and MySpace was going and LiveJournal (which would count as my very first blog) and it just seemed like an interesting idea: Write down your idea's and thoughts and put them out there for the world to review (or not as was more likely the case)

The Why, is probably a little more complicated, but makes me consider my very first blog post (here at least) which was quoting Descartes Cogito ergo sum (I think, therefore I am) or in my post "I blog, therefore I am".

Having a small place of my own where I could write down my thoughts, feelings, concerns, joys and a whole gamut of other emotions helped me to get some grounding or I think for a short while allowed me to do a brain-dump and try and work out what was going on...

Since then I've abandoned the project and recently re-started it, with the new goal (why) to try and improve my writing skills over time by forcing myself to write more frequently.

Those who have been following along with my 30 Day Challenge, hopefully have seen some improvement (or can leave some feedback in the comments)...

Stay tuned for tomorrow's post, which should prove super difficult!


Sandra said...

woooo wooooo!!! bored today? blogged already! wow mine is going to be super boring compared to yours!!

Seb Sharp said...

I think my first ever blog was a live journal too! Those were the days. I think I had hair and a waistline. How exciting!