Thursday, October 7

Day Seven - Biggest Impact

So following on from yesterday's post, in which I declared my everlasting admiration for all things Super and Hero like... todays post is about those thing(s) that have had the biggest impact on me...

So I have been thinking about this one for a little bit today and I have to admit that I'm drawing a blank at the moment, which is a slightly disappointing as I'd hoped to have something interesting to write each day...

Without naming names (or posting pictures), there was one person in particular at my old job who everyone looked up to (even the owner/managing director of the company) and was a massive inspiration to those around him.

I'd have to say he had a rather big impact on me, by giving me some of his time to listen and develop me into a better leader and highlighting area's for improvement in a way that didn't make me feel inferior...

So yeah Mr X thank-you for listening to my random rants and trying to point me in the right direction (whatever that is) I very much appreciate it!

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