I'm going to share a little secret with you, which may or may not already be apparent but I think I reached a stage long ago where death and dying didn't really seem the worst that could happen and I think that while most of the time I don't really want to die, I'm not really afraid of the when or how... (if that makes sense?)
Despite reaching this awareness, it seems that the whole "what can you take from someone who doesn't even fear death itself?" with the answer being "quite a lot actually..."
There is a famous story about a Polish Jewish man who as a single last act of defiance against his Nazi captors attempted to take his own life before being sent to his death via the gas chambers, the sick irony being that he failed to succeed in his attempt and was then put in the infirmary to "recover" (not sure about the logic behind that) and whilst he was healing the war ended and he was ultimately released and saved from the horrors that his brethren weren't so "lucky" to avoid.
Just to make it clear, I don't think death or dying is in anyway not a huge tragedy and can appreciate how devastating it is to those around the person. I just think there are some things that are worse than not being alive...
I'm pretty sure I did have a point somewhere that I was trying to make, but I think I've lost it, in any regard the above is merely a (very) small sample of some of the random crap that permeates my conscious thoughts.
Maybe I'll share some more, maybe I wont... the one thing I do sometimes fear is having all my freedom (or perceived freedoms) taken away from me, which might cause me some restraint in these matters.
Alas I digress...
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