Wednesday, February 23

New Post

I have been meaning to write a new blog post for some time now, there will be moments where I stop think for a moment that I should share some more of my thoughts, the words starting to form in my mind on what I might write about...

Often this occurs near or as I am heading to bed, my mind racing with thoughts from the day thus-far and to what lies ahead and I figure that perhaps by writing down these thoughts I might actually knock my mind down into first gear instead of top-gear and get some restful sleep.

Alas what typically happens is I eventually drift off to sleep and the words, sentences and paragraphs that I had formed quickly become forgotten and so I never really put pen to paper so to speak...

I would like to share my experiences with my depression or simply feelings of being sad in a hope that it might help others, however at the same time I don't wish to burden anyone with my stories of woe and despair... it is my belief that most people (everyone?) finds life tough at some point in their life and I'm certain the vast majority of people couldn't care less if you're having a shitty day because they're also having a shitty day too...

I like to think that I'm different and that I honestly and deeply care about others, but I also regularly believe that I'm the nicest guy nobody will ever meet... as everyone is far too concerned with their own troubles to look beyond their front door and see that hey wait a second someone is robbing my neighbours I should probably do something about that (okay so that's a really pathetic metaphor, but you get the point)

I'm not quite sure what I meant to achieve by this post, but I hope that anyone reading this will perhaps stop for a moment and consider that even if you're having a rough day, others are having a bad day too and you could all probably benefit from reaching out to someone and offering them some kindness.

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