Many people despise Monday's and it's not too hard to see why... it signifies the end of the weekend and the start to (yet) another working week. Now I'm going to say that I love Monday mornings like a fat kid loves cake, but I like to see some positives about the return to work if I can.
One of the biggest pleasures that I get from Monday, and something I certainly enjoyed today was catching up with everyone and what adventures they got up-to (or in some cases didn't get up to).
Today was no exception, however I got to work and was immediately put into crisis-mode (not by choice mind you) one of my colleagues was experiencing some strange behavior with their browser. This is the same workstation that had a rather nasty Scareware "virus" just a few days earlier, I was certain that I had found and removed it.
Turns out that I was right and did clear out the previous infection, but they had allowed/installed a brand new one(!) before I go any further really must plug Malware Bytes as it's super-awesome at finding these infections and removing them (even if you do need to jump into Safemode just to get it to run!)
Being a Monday, part of my job requires that I check the integrity of the server backups from the previous Friday which typically is a 5 minute job... remote into the server, open up the backup program check the log... yep all good and move on to other stuff.
No not today, it seems the backup logs weren't as complete as I would have hoped, with this line in particular ensuring a quick headache ... "The requested media failed to mount. The operation was aborted. The operated was ended." ... Now if that sentence confuses you, I'm not surprised... but essentially it (should) mean that for what ever reason the tape drive couldn't load/be accessed any more so it gave up.
The rest of my day was spent trying to find the needle in the hay-stack that is the solution to the problem (which I'm sad to say I haven't yet solved) and some other minor things...
So lets hope Tuesday is much better and I can close the case to my backup woes.
So do you hate Monday's ?
Did you have a good day today or have some fun aswell?
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