Thursday, February 14

Redundancy ...

There has been a whole bunch of random thoughts going through my head since just the other day...

As some many of you might already be know, I was laid off from my job recently and I've been trying my best to hold it altogether, doing well in some regards, not so well in others.

I don't do well with talking, I'm not very good with the words when I have to think them, and then say them, I find my mind jumping from one topic to another in rapid succession and changing topic mid sentence and so I don't often share my thoughts, but alas I feel it would be cathartic for me to at least write it down...

While there were certainly some (many) times I didn't particularly enjoy my job, it was one constant in my life for the last 3 or 4 years of  turmoil...

When all the bad stuff happened, I could hide it away, suck it up and get up and go to work and focus on that for 8-9 hours, come home and repeat...

While I'm quite sad about having part ways, there is a part of me that is a little relieved, for I can finally let go of all the negativity surrounding (certain people) there.

I'm looking forward to trying something new, but part of me is afraid because I'm not quite what sure what even to do...

I'm going to miss a bunch of the familiar faces and quirky people I've come to see on a regular basis, but I know deep down it's probably for the best...

In writing all of this I feel there is so much more that I want to say, but I'm going to save that for another day (maybe)


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