It's been quite a while since my last blog update, which I'm going to put down to simply lack of motivation to keep up with the 30-day thing... anyway enough about that...
Today's post is going to be about something that inevitably makes me RAGE, much like the very angry looking fellow to the right...
Now I don't know about you, but when I'm driving along (and doubly so during peak hour traffic) there are a number of things that are probably quite minor in the scheme of things but really get my blood boiling...
So here goes; by the way if you know you are guilty of any of these bad habits please take a moment and appreciate how much of a dick you actually are ....
- Turning from the middle of the lane.
Okay so you might be driving a whale sized vehicle, but seriously if you are turning right on a busy 2 way (one-lane) street, pull the fuck over to the right hand side so we can at least attempt to sneak past on the left hand side... guess what Mr Fail most roads are actually designed with this in mind, this is also true of those who feel they must turn SUPER WIDE when turning to the left thus forcing all of those behind them to slow down to a snails pace....
- Driving 10 to 20 km BELOW the signed speed limit
Note this doesn't apply to school zones or during mass traffic or other times when its actually too dangerous to drive at the listed limit, but I can understand driving at 60 in a 70 zone if you've never driven the road and aren't quite sure what the limit might be, but Mister... if you drive past that sign and don't increase your speed you're just playing with fire. Okay okay, if you're a bit lost or don't quite know where you're going... PULL THE FUCK OVER don't drive at 40 in my 60-70 zone...
- Trying to "jump" the queue in a fail-merge zone
Anyone who's lived in Perth for a decent amount of time is quite aware for some reason the "lets merge like intelligent people" gene was left out and a result most of the time when someone needs to merge its a huge clusterfuck, I mean seriously people how fucking hard is it... let one person in from the left then one from the right (imagine how a zipper works people)... but merging doesn't really make me rage, I just accept that most people obviously don't need to be a brain surgeon to get their drivers licence... no what makes me really mad is the rude fuckers who notice there is a cluster-fuck merge up ahead and then try to zoom up the (left/right) side to jump in front 50 metres...
Seriously if everyone just "took their turn" we wouldn't have half the problems we do... but nooooo you think zooming ahead and then FORCING your way in with your massive 4WD urban-tank will get you home just that iddy-bit quicker...
SHIT, just writing about it is making me mad...
Anyway there are other things that make me mad when I'm driving but those 3 in particular really fire up the demon inside...
What do you think, am I just a rage-a-holic or are some drivers really mentally retarded?
Also what makes you mad, and how do you deal with it?
1 comment:
#3 Makes me rage also, it's the jumping the queue thing that pisses me off.
But I've had to eat my words/rage recently. It turns out to be the most efficient way to meld 2 lanes into 1.
If everyone fills both lanes then the traffic actually merges faster, it's annoying, it sucks but it's science.
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